Work with 603 Copywriting

Looking for help with written content for your business? Drop 603 Copywriting a line, and we'll be in touch ASAP.

Easy, Effective Copywriting

603 Copywriting – Experienced, Trustworthy Copywriter, Manchester, UK

You do great work running your business.
But doing great work and telling the world about it are two different things.
So focus your time on running your business, and let 603 handle the writing.
603 Copywriting is here to help you tell the world.

It’s tough building a business from scratch. There’s a lot to handle. Day to day tasks, managing customers, keeping track of finances… Just finding the time to market your business is a challenge on its own. And that’s before you sit down and work out what to say, how to get your message across, what your customers need to hear.

Writing for your business is hard. If it wasn’t, just about anyone could do it. But they can’t. And they don’t. They might give it a go, but eventually they’ll find an expert. Someone who can tell a story, show what makes you special, and win some business.

For dozens of small businesses, owner operators and sole traders in Manchester and beyond, that expert is 603 Copywriting.

If you’re looking for content for your website, email campaigns or blog, maybe 603 Copywriting is the expert for you?

An Experienced Copywriter Based in Manchester, With Clients Around the World

It’s one thing to say you’re an expert copywriter. It’s another to prove it. So before you drop 603 Copywriting an email, you’re probably interested in a little proof.

So here you go.

603 Copywriting has helped companies from Manchester, the wider UK, the US, Australia and South Africa with their marketing projects. Writing emails, websites, blog posts and articles that grab readers’ attention, convince them to make an enquiry or a purchase, and prompt them to spend more than they otherwise would.

603’s main copywriter has worked for some of the North of England’s leading marketing, advertising and search engine optimisation agencies, so we know what it takes to write content that delivers sales.

From writing about savings and insurance, to wall cladding, to lightbulbs, 603 Copywriting has worked in nearly any agency or sector you’d care to name. Creating content for businesses who sell to other businesses, and businesses who sell directly to customers.
Maybe you’re an owner operator on a limited budget who needs to know that you’re not wasting your money. In that case you’ll be happy to hear that we offer website content packages that’ll soon start bringing in business.

Maybe your business is starting to grow, and you’d like to work with an experienced marketing writer that you can trust, while you focus on leading your company. If that sounds like you, you’ll be happy to hear that 603 has worked with fast-growing companies and helped them increase turnover to meet their targets.

Your sector or industry? We’ve been there. Your target audience? We’ve seen it. Your goals? We’ve done it.

That’s what makes 603 Copywriting experts, and that’s why businesses trust us to create their content.

Because we know what we’re doing. And people like you trust us to deliver.

Brands We’ve Worked With

Case Studies

Hilton Waldorf Astoria (DS Emotion) B2B Copywriting / Print – Brochure

The brief:Work with a Leeds-based design agency to re-write Hilton’s investor brochure and expand the Astoria brand.
The result:A happy client, a quick project turnaround, and lots of interest from valuable investors.

Supreme Imports B2C Copywriting / Website

The brief:Work with a growing Manchester-based company to revamp websites across five different brands.
The result:More online sales through each website, bigger order values, and happier, more informed shoppers.

“From the very beginning, 603 Copywriting took the time to understand the company, our goals and our market. Long before pen is put to paper, the research undertaken is so comprehensive that everything created is written from a position of authority. As a result our message is clear and our voice is trusted.”

JG – Managing Director, Ensign Advanced Systems

Hang On. What Does a Copywriter Actually Do?

If you’ve landed on this page after searching for a business writer, or a website writer, or a content creator, you might still be wondering what a copywriter is. What a copywriter does. What makes a copywriter different from a journalist, or someone who writes short stories.

It’s easy. A copywriter sells.

A journalist writes to inform, to (supposedly) give people the facts and let them draw conclusions.

A novelist writes to entertain, to (hopefully) give people a fun story to engage their emotions.

A copywriter writes to sell. To persuade. To convince readers that they’re not readers at all. That they’re customers.

Sometimes a copywriter will need to inform your customers about your products and services, especially if they’re not sure what they’re looking for. Sometimes we have to entertain a customer to keep their attention. But we always need to persuade. To sell.

A copywriter sells your business’ products and services with words. Sometimes with pages and pages of words in an email that breaks down a reader’s objections, creates desire and makes them certain that they need to do business with you.

Or sometimes with just a quick reminder to “buy now.”

And how does a copywriter do that? By diving deep into your business and your audience. By understanding people, and by tailoring the content they write to be engaging, compelling and convincing.

In simple terms, a copywriter learns about you, learns about your customers, and creates a message that tells your customers who you are, what you do, and why they should spend their money with you. All you need to do is publish the words we write.

  • Brief

    Explore your business

  • Research

    Understand your market

  • Draft

    Craft your content

  • Publish

    Engage your customers

If you want to know exactly what a copywriter will do for you, you’ll find simple explanations of all the writing services we offer (along with quick and easy packages) on the following pages: